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Fonds aktien: 16.923

Fonds global: 207

Fonds hedge: 121

Fonds immobilienfonds: 9

Fonds kapitalgarantie: 12

Fonds in der Rangliste: 383

*Ranking aktualisiert am 19.09.2024
die Renditen werden in Euro ausgedrückt, die Werte von 3Y und 5Y sind annualisiert.
Zeitraum auswählen, um nach Renditen zu ordnen
# Unternehmen Name des Fonds Zum Portfolio
1M Sortierung 1Y Sortierung 3Y* Sortierung 5Y* Produkt übersicht
241° Amundi European Equity Small Cap A EUR Ad (D) Amundi European Equity Small Cap A EUR Ad (D)LU1880395964 - Kupon Ausschüttung 2.01% (99°) 14.98% (121°) -3.16% (183°) 3.82% (241°) Übersicht und
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242° JPM Europe Dynamic Small Cap A (perf) (acc) EUR JPM Europe Dynamic Small Cap A (perf) (acc) EURLU0210072939 0.73% (244°) 17.01% (70°) -7.51% (315°) 3.76% (242°) Übersicht und
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243° Amundi European Equity Small Cap A USD (C) Amundi European Equity Small Cap A USD (C)LU1883306570 1.90% (115°) 14.74% (125°) -3.09% (181°) 3.75% (243°) Übersicht und
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244° JPM Europe Dynamic Small Cap A (perf) (dist) EUR JPM Europe Dynamic Small Cap A (perf) (dist) EURLU0210073408 - Kupon Ausschüttung 0.73% (245°) 16.99% (71°) -7.54% (316°) 3.73% (244°) Übersicht und
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245° AXA WF Framlington Human Capital F Cap EUR AXA WF Framlington Human Capital F Cap EURLU0316219095 3.74% (13°) 14.26% (138°) -2.01% (144°) 3.73% (245°) Übersicht und
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246° Amundi European Equity Small Cap G EUR (C) Amundi European Equity Small Cap G EUR (C)LU1883307461 1.99% (101°) 14.87% (123°) -3.26% (186°) 3.72% (246°) Übersicht und
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247° LO Funds - Continental Europe Small & Mid Leaders, Syst. NAV Hdg, (USD) P A LO Funds - Continental Europe Small & Mid Leaders, Syst. NAV Hdg, (USD) P ALU1336953978 0.66% (253°) 5.22% (353°) -4.67% (233°) 3.67% (247°) Übersicht und
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248° Templeton European Small-Mid Cap Fund A(acc) EUR Templeton European Small-Mid Cap Fund A(acc) EURLU0138075311 -0.48% (346°) 7.92% (317°) 3.37% (35°) 3.66% (248°) Übersicht und
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249° BL European Family Businesses B EUR BL European Family Businesses B EURLU1305479153 1.05% (205°) 13.13% (182°) -5.25% (247°) 3.65% (249°) Übersicht und
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250° BL European Family Businesses A EUR BL European Family Businesses A EURLU1305479070 - Kupon Ausschüttung 1.04% (206°) 13.13% (183°) -5.25% (248°) 3.65% (250°) Übersicht und
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251° UBS (CH) Equity Fund - Small Caps Europe (EUR) P UBS (CH) Equity Fund - Small Caps Europe (EUR) PCH0000967031 0.98% (209°) 8.70% (304°) -7.01% (303°) 3.62% (251°) Übersicht und
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252° BNP Paribas Funds Europe Small Cap I Cap BNP Paribas Funds Europe Small Cap I CapLU0212179997 3.17% (30°) 16.01% (92°) -1.70% (119°) 3.61% (252°) Übersicht und
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253° Threadneedle (Lux) PAN EUROPEAN SMALLER COMPANIES 1FH Threadneedle (Lux) PAN EUROPEAN SMALLER COMPANIES 1FHLU1829330072 2.96% (47°) 7.48% (321°) -6.94% (300°) 3.59% (253°) Übersicht und
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254° Nordea 1 European Small and Mid Cap Equity BP EUR Nordea 1 European Small and Mid Cap Equity BP EURLU0417818407 1.87% (119°) 17.18% (63°) -2.60% (164°) 3.58% (254°) Übersicht und
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255° Nordea 1 European Small and Mid Cap Equity AP EUR Nordea 1 European Small and Mid Cap Equity AP EURLU0417818076 - Kupon Ausschüttung 1.87% (120°) 17.15% (65°) -2.61% (166°) 3.58% (255°) Übersicht und
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256° Templeton European Small-Mid Cap Fund A(acc) USD Templeton European Small-Mid Cap Fund A(acc) USDLU0260871552 -0.95% (365°) 7.67% (319°) 3.44% (34°) 3.54% (256°) Übersicht und
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257° Mandarine Funds Mandarine Unique Small  Mid Caps Europe L EUR Capitalisation Mandarine Funds Mandarine Unique Small Mid Caps Europe L EUR CapitalisationLU1133337318 0.98% (210°) 11.94% (221°) -4.18% (215°) 3.50% (257°) Übersicht und
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258° Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe Fund B Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe Fund BLU0969069516 3.35% (26°) 12.79% (194°) -6.51% (279°) 3.48% (258°) Übersicht und
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259° BNP Paribas Funds Europe Small Cap Privilege Cap BNP Paribas Funds Europe Small Cap Privilege CapLU0212180813 3.16% (31°) 15.83% (100°) -1.86% (132°) 3.44% (259°) Übersicht und
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260° BNP Paribas Funds Europe Small Cap Privilege Dist BNP Paribas Funds Europe Small Cap Privilege DistLU0823406029 - Kupon Ausschüttung 3.16% (32°) 15.83% (101°) -1.86% (133°) 3.44% (260°) Übersicht und
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261° Mandarine Funds Mandarine Unique Small  Mid Caps Europe B3 GBP Capitalisation Mandarine Funds Mandarine Unique Small Mid Caps Europe B3 GBP CapitalisationLU1133337151 0.91% (220°) 11.61% (228°) -4.35% (220°) 3.44% (261°) Übersicht und
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262° Allianz Europe Small Cap Equity WT (EUR) Allianz Europe Small Cap Equity WT (EUR)LU0294427389 0.96% (212°) 7.84% (318°) -6.39% (276°) 3.42% (262°) Übersicht und
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263° Mandarine Funds Mandarine Unique Small  Mid Caps Europe I Capitalisation Mandarine Funds Mandarine Unique Small Mid Caps Europe I CapitalisationLU0489687326 0.96% (211°) 11.77% (226°) -4.33% (217°) 3.37% (263°) Übersicht und
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264° Metzler European Smaller Companies Sustain A Metzler European Smaller Companies Sustain AIE0002921975 2.30% (78°) 14.29% (137°) -6.89% (295°) 3.29% (264°) Übersicht und
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265° Amundi European Equity Small Cap F EUR (C) Amundi European Equity Small Cap F EUR (C)LU1883307388 1.96% (103°) 14.35% (135°) -3.70% (197°) 3.26% (265°) Übersicht und
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266° Threadneedle (Lux) PAN EUROPEAN SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES AE Threadneedle (Lux) PAN EUROPEAN SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES AELU0282719219 2.54% (59°) 13.10% (184°) -8.98% (345°) 3.20% (266°) Übersicht und
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267° Threadneedle (Lux) PAN EUROPEAN SMALLER COMPANIES 1UH Threadneedle (Lux) PAN EUROPEAN SMALLER COMPANIES 1UHLU1829330312 0.54% (268°) 5.52% (349°) -6.45% (277°) 3.18% (267°) Übersicht und
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268° Mandarine Funds Mandarine Unique Small  Mid Caps Europe F EUR Capitalisation Mandarine Funds Mandarine Unique Small Mid Caps Europe F EUR CapitalisationLU1303937483 0.94% (215°) 11.55% (230°) -4.52% (227°) 3.16% (268°) Übersicht und
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269° Threadneedle (Lux) PAN EUROPEAN SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES W Threadneedle (Lux) PAN EUROPEAN SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES WLU0299975861 2.54% (60°) 13.04% (185°) -9.02% (346°) 3.15% (269°) Übersicht und
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270° Threadneedle (Lux) PAN EUROPEAN SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES AE Threadneedle (Lux) PAN EUROPEAN SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES AELU0757432546 2.44% (65°) 12.86% (191°) -8.90% (342°) 3.13% (270°) Übersicht und
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