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Fonds aktien: 16.897

Fonds global: 207

Fonds hedge: 121

Fonds immobilienfonds: 9

Fonds kapitalgarantie: 12

Fonds in der Rangliste: 188

*Ranking aktualisiert am 18.09.2024
die Renditen werden in Euro ausgedrückt, die Werte von 3Y und 5Y sind annualisiert.
Zeitraum auswählen, um nach Renditen zu ordnen
# Unternehmen Name des Fonds Zum Portfolio
1M Sortierung 1Y Sortierung 3Y* Sortierung 5Y* Produkt übersicht
31° Wellington Global Perspectives S Wellington Global Perspectives SIE00BQV17M41 -0.49% (199°) 15.17% (48°) 4.44% (27°) 8.75% (31°) Übersicht und
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32° BGF Systematic Global SmallCap A2 USD BGF Systematic Global SmallCap A2 USDLU0054578231 1.40% (148°) 12.35% (110°) 4.09% (33°) 8.80% (32°) Übersicht und
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33° Goldman Sachs Global Small Cap CORE Equity Portfolio Base (Close) Goldman Sachs Global Small Cap CORE Equity Portfolio Base (Close)LU0245329841 - Kupon Ausschüttung 0.53% (106°) 15.96% (25°) 5.77% (15°) 8.59% (33°) Übersicht und
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34° Wellington Global Perspectives S Wellington Global Perspectives SIE00BF6S6601 -0.50% (200°) 15.28% (46°) 4.45% (26°) 8.69% (34°) Übersicht und
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35° BGF Systematic Global SmallCap A2 EUR BGF Systematic Global SmallCap A2 EURLU0171288334 1.69% (147°) 12.80% (108°) 4.09% (34°) 8.86% (35°) Übersicht und
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36° Mandarine Global Microcap I Mandarine Global Microcap ILU1329694423 3.34% (45°) 13.92% (85°) -1.04% (152°) 8.68% (36°) Übersicht und
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37° Goldman Sachs Global Small Cap CORE Equity Portfolio Base (Snap) Goldman Sachs Global Small Cap CORE Equity Portfolio Base (Snap)LU0245330005 - Kupon Ausschüttung 1.15% (161°) 16.11% (40°) 6.19% (14°) 8.76% (37°) Übersicht und
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38° CSIF (CH) Equity World ex CH Small Cap Blue FBH CSIF (CH) Equity World ex CH Small Cap Blue FBHCH0336202830 4.15% (16°) 13.46% (93°) 3.22% (38°) 8.63% (38°) Übersicht und
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39° Wellington Durable Enterprises N Wellington Durable Enterprises NIE00BJ570V94 2.26% (111°) 15.95% (35°) 9.12% (6°) 8.62% (39°) Übersicht und
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40° Allianz Global Small Cap Equity IT (USD) Allianz Global Small Cap Equity IT (USD)LU0885397702 0.35% (129°) 11.29% (129°) 1.27% (86°) 8.67% (40°) Übersicht und
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41° Wellington Global Impact S Wellington Global Impact SIE00BDB47662 2.82% (91°) 20.16% (8°) 0.54% (91°) 8.55% (41°) Übersicht und
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42° Invesco Developed Small and Mid-Cap Equity S Acc USD Invesco Developed Small and Mid-Cap Equity S Acc USDLU1642785494 0.04% (184°) 12.69% (100°) 1.19% (73°) 8.55% (42°) Übersicht und
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43° Nordea 1 Global Small Cap BP NOK Nordea 1 Global Small Cap BP NOKLU1029331680 0.24% (177°) 15.48% (44°) 1.13% (75°) 8.50% (43°) Übersicht und
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44° Nordea 1 Global Small Cap BP SEK Nordea 1 Global Small Cap BP SEKLU1029331920 0.19% (180°) 15.44% (45°) 1.11% (76°) 8.50% (44°) Übersicht und
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45° Nordea 1 Global Small Cap BP USD Nordea 1 Global Small Cap BP USDLU1029332142 0.61% (178°) 15.99% (42°) 1.27% (78°) 8.62% (45°) Übersicht und
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46° Nordea 1 Global Small Cap BP EUR Nordea 1 Global Small Cap BP EURLU1029333462 0.60% (179°) 15.96% (43°) 1.29% (77°) 8.62% (46°) Übersicht und
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47° Wellington Global Impact S Wellington Global Impact SIE00BYX0WN13 2.81% (93°) 20.28% (7°) 0.54% (92°) 8.49% (47°) Übersicht und
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48° Wellington Global Impact S Wellington Global Impact SIE00BFZ58P54 2.67% (100°) 20.06% (10°) 0.39% (95°) 8.48% (48°) Übersicht und
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49° Swisscanto (CH) IPF I Index Equity Fund Small Cap World ex CH NT CHF Swisscanto (CH) IPF I Index Equity Fund Small Cap World ex CH NT CHFCH0267153598 3.46% (35°) 15.09% (53°) 3.00% (39°) 8.44% (49°) Übersicht und
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50° AXA IM Global Small Cap Equity QI B Accumulation USD AXA IM Global Small Cap Equity QI B Accumulation USDIE0004324657 2.87% (83°) 18.91% (17°) 5.76% (17°) 8.41% (50°) Übersicht und
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51° Wellington Global Impact N Wellington Global Impact NIE00BD72Z263 2.81% (92°) 19.98% (11°) 0.38% (96°) 8.39% (51°) Übersicht und
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52° AXA IM Global Small Cap Equity QI B Accumulation EUR AXA IM Global Small Cap Equity QI B Accumulation EURIE0031069168 3.03% (72°) 18.88% (18°) 5.81% (16°) 8.36% (52°) Übersicht und
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53° Invesco Developed Small and Mid-Cap Equity Z Acc USD Invesco Developed Small and Mid-Cap Equity Z Acc USDLU0955863765 0.77% (183°) 13.30% (104°) 1.27% (80°) 8.54% (53°) Übersicht und
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54° Wellington Global Impact N Wellington Global Impact NIE00BYVQ3R21 2.80% (95°) 20.10% (9°) 0.39% (94°) 8.33% (54°) Übersicht und
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55° Wellington Global Impact N Wellington Global Impact NIE00BGPNQX08 2.66% (101°) 19.88% (12°) 0.24% (99°) 8.32% (55°) Übersicht und
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56° BGF Systematic Global SmallCap E2 USD BGF Systematic Global SmallCap E2 USDLU0147403843 1.35% (150°) 11.79% (125°) 3.57% (36°) 8.25% (56°) Übersicht und
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57° Invesco Developed Small and Mid-Cap Equity C Acc USD Invesco Developed Small and Mid-Cap Equity C Acc USDLU0607512851 0.78% (185°) 13.16% (107°) 1.10% (83°) 8.37% (57°) Übersicht und
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58° Goldman Sachs Global Small Cap CORE Equity Portfolio A (Close) Goldman Sachs Global Small Cap CORE Equity Portfolio A (Close)LU0245330427 - Kupon Ausschüttung 0.51% (107°) 15.35% (29°) 5.24% (22°) 8.04% (58°) Übersicht und
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59° BGF Systematic Global SmallCap E2 EUR BGF Systematic Global SmallCap E2 EURLU0171288508 1.64% (149°) 12.23% (122°) 3.57% (37°) 8.31% (59°) Übersicht und
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60° Goldman Sachs Global Small Cap CORE Equity Portfolio A (Snap) Goldman Sachs Global Small Cap CORE Equity Portfolio A (Snap)LU0245330773 - Kupon Ausschüttung 1.08% (167°) 15.50% (55°) 5.66% (18°) 8.22% (60°) Übersicht und
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