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Fonds aktien: 16.897

Fonds global: 207

Fonds hedge: 121

Fonds immobilienfonds: 9

Fonds kapitalgarantie: 12

Fonds in der Rangliste: 121

*Ranking aktualisiert am 18.09.2024
die Renditen werden in Euro ausgedrückt, die Werte von 3Y und 5Y sind annualisiert.
Zeitraum auswählen, um nach Renditen zu ordnen
# Unternehmen Name des Fonds Zum Portfolio
1M Sortierung 1Y Sortierung 3Y* Sortierung 5Y* Produkt übersicht
61° PAF-Pleiad-HZ EUR PAF-Pleiad-HZ EURLU0306903898 0.30% (54°) 8.63% (37°) 3.89% (34°) 2.49% (61°) Übersicht und
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62° PAF-Myriad-HR EUR PAF-Myriad-HR EURLU0207649962 -0.29% (72°) 5.92% (88°) -2.31% (116°) 2.47% (62°) Übersicht und
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63° PAF-Pleiad-R USD PAF-Pleiad-R USDLU0232830694 -2.50% (108°) 5.28% (96°) 5.53% (20°) 2.26% (63°) Übersicht und
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64° Multiadvisers - Global Equity Long/Short, (EUR) P A Multiadvisers - Global Equity Long/Short, (EUR) P ALU0253067671 1.39% (24°) 9.39% (29°) -0.49% (110°) 2.22% (64°) Übersicht und
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65° PAF-Pleiad-HJ EUR PAF-Pleiad-HJ EURLU0232831585 0.25% (58°) 8.09% (47°) 3.38% (42°) 1.98% (65°) Übersicht und
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66° GAM Trading II Inc Institutional Acc Hdg GAM Trading II Inc Institutional Acc HdgVGG3723K5200 0.92% (26°) 5.61% (92°) 1.07% (70°) 1.93% (66°) Übersicht und
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67° PAF-Pleiad-HD EUR PAF-Pleiad-HD EURLU0933678558 0.24% (59°) 7.87% (53°) 3.17% (44°) 1.77% (67°) Übersicht und
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68° Global Opportunities Access - Key Multi-Manager Hedge Fund F-acc EUR Global Opportunities Access - Key Multi-Manager Hedge Fund F-acc EURLU1028380175 0.27% (57°) 8.41% (40°) 1.07% (69°) 1.73% (68°) Übersicht und
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69° PAF-Pleiad-HI EUR PAF-Pleiad-HI EURLU0232832476 0.23% (60°) 7.77% (56°) 3.08% (46°) 1.68% (69°) Übersicht und
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70° GAM Trading II Inc Open Acc Hdg GAM Trading II Inc Open Acc HdgVGG3718Z1282 0.88% (27°) 5.25% (97°) 0.71% (73°) 1.52% (70°) Übersicht und
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71° GAM Trading II Inc Institutional Acc Hdg GAM Trading II Inc Institutional Acc HdgVGG3723K5382 1.58% (17°) 1.00% (109°) 2.05% (58°) 1.39% (71°) Übersicht und
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72° GAM Trading II Inc Institutional Acc GAM Trading II Inc Institutional AccVGG3723K5044 -3.45% (115°) 0.87% (110°) 2.66% (50°) 1.04% (72°) Übersicht und
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73° PAF-Pleiad-HP EUR PAF-Pleiad-HP EURLU1055033853 0.17% (62°) 7.07% (68°) 2.41% (53°) 1.03% (73°) Übersicht und
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74° GAM Trading II Inc Open Acc Hdg GAM Trading II Inc Open Acc HdgVGG3723K1811 1.55% (18°) 0.66% (111°) 1.71% (62°) 0.98% (74°) Übersicht und
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75° responsAbility Global Micro and SME Finance Fund H II EUR responsAbility Global Micro and SME Finance Fund H II EURLU1050624516 0.56% (42°) 3.71% (103°) 0.22% (75°) 0.71% (75°) Übersicht und
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76° GAM Trading II Inc Open Acc GAM Trading II Inc Open AccVGG3718Z1027 -3.48% (117°) 0.61% (112°) 2.29% (57°) 0.61% (76°) Übersicht und
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77° GAM Trading II Inc Reserved Acc GAM Trading II Inc Reserved AccVGG3718Z1365 -3.48% (118°) 0.61% (113°) 2.30% (56°) 0.61% (77°) Übersicht und
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78° PAF-Pleiad-HR EUR PAF-Pleiad-HR EURLU0232832559 0.12% (63°) 6.54% (79°) 1.90% (60°) 0.53% (78°) Übersicht und
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79° GAM Trading II Inc Strategic Acc GAM Trading II Inc Strategic AccVGG3723K5465 -3.48% (119°) 0.52% (114°) 1.92% (59°) 0.19% (79°) Übersicht und
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80° Falcon Best Select Portfolio CHF Falcon Best Select Portfolio CHFLU0096826515 0.80% (31°) 3.25% (104°) 0.00% (78°) 0.00% (80°) Übersicht und
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81° responsAbility Global Micro and SME Finance Fund II USD responsAbility Global Micro and SME Finance Fund II USDLU1050624359 -2.61% (109°) 4.91% (99°) 4.41% (31°) 0.00% (81°) Übersicht und
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82° responsAbility Global Micro and SME Finance Fund H II CHF responsAbility Global Micro and SME Finance Fund H II CHFLU1050624433 2.41% (12°) 3.15% (105°) 3.37% (43°) 0.00% (82°) Übersicht und
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83° responsAbility Global Micro and SME Finance Fund H NOK responsAbility Global Micro and SME Finance Fund H NOKLU1303884347 -1.66% (93°) -0.33% (118°) -2.88% (118°) 0.00% (83°) Übersicht und
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84° responsAbility Global Micro and SME Finance Fund H II NOK responsAbility Global Micro and SME Finance Fund H II NOKLU1303886391 -1.60% (92°) 0.06% (115°) -2.53% (117°) 0.00% (84°) Übersicht und
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85° Tristar Global Hedge Fund-CHF open Tristar Global Hedge Fund-CHF openLI0383104663 -1.08% (79°) -10.19% (119°) -7.96% (120°) 0.00% (85°) Übersicht und
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86° Tristar Global Hedge Fund-USD restricted Tristar Global Hedge Fund-USD restrictedLI0383104671 -1.19% (89°) -10.59% (121°) -6.79% (119°) 0.00% (86°) Übersicht und
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87° Tristar Global Hedge Fund-EUR restricted Tristar Global Hedge Fund-EUR restrictedLI0383104689 -1.14% (85°) -10.48% (120°) -11.35% (121°) 0.00% (87°) Übersicht und
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88° CATAM Alternative Investment -USD- CATAM Alternative Investment -USD-LI0011457244 -2.78% (110°) 6.70% (75°) 8.31% (6°) 0.00% (88°) Übersicht und
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89° Cat Gryphon -USD- Cat Gryphon -USD-LI0036725187 -2.41% (106°) 8.27% (43°) 10.74% (3°) 0.00% (89°) Übersicht und
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90° CATAM Alternative Investment -CHF- CATAM Alternative Investment -CHF-LI0295783893 2.26% (13°) 5.35% (95°) 7.49% (8°) 0.00% (90°) Übersicht und
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